Windows 95 (4.0)

Windows 95 was a big improvement to Windows for Workgroups 3.11 and included the addition of 32 bit applications that ran in their own memory sessions. 16 bit applications could also run but these ran in the same memory space so misbehaving applications could lock up things on that session.

Back in 1995 there was a battle between Microsoft and IBM and IBM had released OS/2 Warp 3 which ran Windows 3.x applications as well as OS/2 native applications. It was said that the time that OS/2 Warp was a better Windows than Windows, referring to OS/2’s ability to configure 16 bit Windows applications to run together or in its own session which allowed for applications that needed more RAM to run on its own from other 16 bit Windows applications. The multitasking between the two was noticeable. OS/2 did multitask better in general, but more work was needed in the PM Shell that ran the desktop which could occasionally hang. Also at that time all the PC magazines would do their comparisons between the two operating systems and as you would imagine, Windows 95 was always the winner based on the bias of the authors. One magazine also compared screen shots between Windows 95 and OS/2 Warp 3 but really showing OS/2 2.1 which of course made Windows look better.

VirtualBox Guest Addtions status: No

Special Patch needed for Windows 95

Windows 95 needs a special patch to fix an issue with the CPU and VirtualBox 6.x. Search for Fix95CPU.iso or download from and download and mount this ISO which will boot the VM and then ask to patch your VM. After the patch, remove the ISO and reboot. Windows 95 will now run in VirtualBox.

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